The Goshen Fire District is funded through collection of fire dues. Fire dues are a membership due, not a tax. You reserve the right to refuse payment. Fire dues are collected through the Washinton County Tax Collectors office along with your real estate taxes. 

Commonly asked questions:

Questions: What if I choose to not pay my fire dues?

Answer: In the event we are dispatched to your residence for a fire or similar emergency and you have not paid your fire dues you will receive an itemized bill for services rendered. This will be different for every incident and based on but not limited to the number of Firefighters required for the incident, the number of fire apparatus required for the incident, the amount of time required to bring the incident under control, etc. This will always be the most expensive option if an emergency were to occur. 

Question: If I pay my fire dues, will I still recieve a bill for services rendered in the event of an emergency at my residence?

Answer: No. Paying your fire dues covers all expenses for any incident we may encounter at your residence. You will not receive any additional bills from the fire department. 

If you have further questions please contact us via phone 479-444-9912 or email